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Philippines :: Boracay : Yapak

This area is at the north of Boracay and offers some excellent opportunities to see large marine life. The two walls of Yapak are the most exciting sites around the island, but due to rough waters and strong currents, they are for the experienced only.

Descending from 30-60m, the walls have a vast array of soft corals and gorgonians. You're sure to run across snappers, surgeonfish, groupers and sweetlips as well as having the chance to see whitetip and gray reef sharks. Hammerheads and manta rays are spotted occasionally.

Bat Cave
On the eastern side of the north point also offers some challenging diving. The site is made up of a series of caves that eventually end with the main one itself. Marine life includes lobsters, sea snakes and a multitude of smaller tropical fish. Diving here should only be undertaken in the best of conditions as seas can be rough and currents strong.


Depth: 6-40m

Viz: up to 20m

Currents: strong

Getting there : 15 min by boat

Best months: Nov-May.



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